
18/4/2023 @ 14:00
Following a mandatory conciliation requested by the Ministry of Labour the strikes annound by FeMPINRA were lifted as o 18 April 7:00.
Shall keep monitoring the situation.
12/04/2023 @ 14:00
The Maritime, Port and Naval Industry Federation (FeMPINRA) has announced that several strikes will be implemented in the forthcoming weeks. According to the Unions, the claims are for the government to repeal Decree 870/18 which would have provided only for one terminal to operate in Buenos Aires port, in addition to their disconformity with income tax policies implemented.
For the time being, the following concrete measures have been announced:
Monday 17th April 2023: the Grain Receivers Union (URGARA) would stop the activity in the Hidrovia (Parana Waterway) affecting all grain terminals located in the Parana River.
Wednesday 19th April 2023: the port unions will stop the activity in the container terminals of Buenos Aires, Dock Sud and Zarate-Campana ports
Thursday 20th April 2023: the Unions will stop the activity in the shipyard “Rio Santiago”.
We shall monitor the situation and will keep you posted.
Notice: the content of this circular is for information only. Even though it has been issued carefully, and to the best of our knowledge, it has a general purpose and we can accept no liability whatsoever for any particular action taken upon it. © Pandi Liquidadores SRL. All rights reserved.